– Does WebHostingHub Offer Monthly Payment?

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Does WebHostingHub Offer Monthly Payment?

WebHostingHub is considered by most new website owners to be a good web host choice since it makes use of Dell servers. These Dell servers are considered to be powerful machines since 24GB memory chips, 24 Intel Core processors, and RAID 10 fast storage are included in the CPUs. This means that the equipment used is reliable and efficient, which is backed by the 99% uptime guarantee offered by WebHostingHub.

However, most web host providers reveal that they have a better uptime guarantee at 99.99%, which is only negligible when the two are compared. The reason for this is that WebHostingHub makes use of multiple data centers instead of the usual one for most web host providers.

Multiple Data Centers

WebHostingHub has two main data centers spread out at the east coast and the west coast of the United States. Therefore, it means that website owners in the west coast do not have to wait longer for the data or information to travel between the website visitor and the web host server. This means that the user experience of the website is improved, which results in a better feedback or statistics to the website owner. The ending result for this is that the investment of the website owner on the website is maximized. This is based on the fact that the data centers of WebHostingHub are classified as a Category A since their equipment are all PCI compliant.

The additional features of the data centers are that they use multiple controlled access points with several energy sources that make use of diesel power. Even if WebHostingHub uses diesel power it has a green hosting certification, which means that energy usage is minimized in the data centers. Another benefit of having two data centers is that it is used to service website owners based on other countries such as:

  •  South America
  •  Africa
  •  Europe
  •  South Pacific
  •  Asia
  •  Australia and New Zealand

A website page using the content management software WordPress is able to load at a rate of 1.5s for business websites based in international countries. WebHostingHub further lowers the loading rate to only a second for US based business websites since the data or information needs only to travel a shorter distance due to the use of multiple data centers.

Regular Monthly Rates

WebHostingHub has different monthly rates depending on the service year being purchased by the website owner. The highest monthly rate being offered by WebHostingHub is at $8.99 with the lowest at $6.99. The breakdown of monthly rates and service years are:

  •  12 months – $8.99 per month
  •  24 months – $7.99 per month
  • 36 months – $6.99 per month

Unfortunately for new website owners, most of the web host providers only allow them to pay on a yearly basis. This is despite the fact that most web host providers promote and offer their web host services at a monthly rate. The main reason for most web host providers offering a yearly plan is that numerous website owners may forget to pay their monthly rates and therefore the website may become inactive.

This is considered to be unfavorable to the website owner since the time spent developing and maintaining the website will be easily gone in a span of within a week after the contract has ended. An additional problem is that the most website owners will be unable to get back their established website if they pay after the renewal period. The reason for this is that most domain names are automatically released after a web host contract period has ended. This is because a high number of individuals prefer to acquire the domain name of an established business website.

Disadvantages of Using a Monthly Payment

Individuals that have acquired an established website will need to do less promotional activities since the previous owner has already done the hard part for them. Most website owners may forget to regularly pay a monthly rate when it comes to their websites since these are not considered to be a significant part of their monthly schedules. Forgetting to pay the monthly rate will mean that the investment of time and money of their business websites will be considered as a loss.

Web host providers do not have control over the releasing of the domain names since this task is normally under the control of website regulators such as the International Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). ICANN requires website owners to have their business websites registered with the following information:

  •  Registrant’s name
  •  Mailing address
  •  Email address
  •  Phone number

Money Back Guarantee

The reason for most web host providers to not allow the monthly payment plan is that WebHostingHub will have a problem implementing the 90 day money back guarantee. Most other web host providers have a lower money back guarantee period while WebHostingHub has the longest period at 90 days.

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